You are invited!


1 University Blvd. Bluffton, SC 29910

Welcome to our Easter Egg Hunt! Bring your family and friends for a FREE afternoon of fun and games. Invite everyone you know! There will be an egg hunt for all kids between the ages of 0-12. Please sign up and select the time and age group that works best for you!

Our goal is to create opportunities to make memories and build connections by bringing people together. Join us for a few minutes, or stay for the whole event, collect some eggs, and snap a few pictures. It is going to be an incredible afternoon.

Sign up below for what works best for your family!

EGG HUNT BY AGE GROUP: (Each age group will have their own section.)
Babies (0-2 years)
Toddlers & Preschool (2-5 years old)
Lower Elementary (6-9 years old)
Upper Elementary (10-12 years old)

The Egg Hunt will kick off at 12:00 PM. Each age group will have their own section. We will have family fun games/prizes before and after the Egg Hunt. Our hope is that you will be able to stick around after the hunt to have some fun and win some prizes.

Please sign up and select the times that are best for you. This helps to ensure that we have plenty of eggs for everyone! Space is limited so sign up today!