“Check out the groups that are going this semester!
Small Groups are a place to build relationships, learn more about our relationship with God, and see how we can live out God’s plan in the world. Groups are any where between 3 to 15 people and are an open invitation to experience life together. ”
Brad & Kelly Childress
Brad and Kelly live in Ridgeland and are excited to launch this new group in the Ridgeland area. This group will meet every other week as they study the Bible together and grow in their relationships.
WHEN: Will be determined with the group
WHERE: Ridgeland Home
Jeff & Aimee Rohr
This is a brand new group launching on Sunday evenings. Jeff and Aimee love Jesus and are looking to help walk with others as they grow spiritually. Jeff and Aimee have two young girls and have been in the Lowcountry for 2 years now.
WHEN: Every other Sunday from 5-7 PM
WHERE: Bluffton Home
Daniel & Amanda Cazenave
This group is for anyone who is looking to grow closer to God and build relationships with others. As parents of four, we understand that kids are a part of this journey too. We will work to help with childcare during our group. We know that we will face difficulties every day, but we also know that God will lead us through it all.
WHEN: Every other Sunday from 5-7 PM
WHERE: Bluffton Home
Bridge Students is for 6th through 12th graders. This is a safe place for students to connect with Jesus and others. Our goal is to help students build relationships with Godly mentors as they navigate life. We love partnering with parents as we navigate life. Join us for a fun, interactive, and faith-building group.
WHEN: Every Sunday during second service (10:30AM)
WHERE: USCB on Campus
rooted life group
The Rooted experience takes groups in the church on a 10-week journey of learning and practice. Groups learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship from the New Testament. The experience challenges and inspires participants to step beyond their comfort zone as they follow Jesus.
WHEN: Monday Nights 6:30 - 8:00 PM
WHERE: Bluffton
College students gather each week to share dinner together and to build relationships. FCA helps facilitate food, worship, and guest speakers each week.
WHEN: Mondays at 7:00 PM
WHERE: CC106 in the Campus Center on USCB
jacob Pearce
Join this discipleship on USCB campus who take time to live life together through conversations, questions, and stories. This group can help you discover who God created you to be. It is nothing less than a journey of restoration, transformation, and healing.
WHEN: Wednesday Evenings 6:30 pm
WHERE: Bluffton
Bunny Hunt
Join our Women's Gathering as we kick off our new season. Through 7 sessions, discover the root to clear and daily communication with God—humble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.
WHEN: Every third Friday of the month at 6:30 PM
WHERE: Different Locations in Bluffton
Dave McNair
Join our Men's Gathering as we kick off our fall season. The Book of James is filled with practical wisdom for Christians, calling us to live out genuine faith through good works, but it is also rooted in rich theology. Perhaps more than any other book in the New Testament, James emphasizes the application of Christian belief.
WHEN: Third Saturday of the Month 8:30 - 10:30 am
WHERE: Different locations in Bluffton
Financial peace
Are you ready to have financial freedom? Join this group as we walk together through biblical principals to help us have freedom in our finances. We use Dave Ramsey curriculum to help guide us through. Together we can learn and grow!
WHEN: Once a Week for 7 weeks
WHERE: Bluffton, SC