By supporting The Bridge Church you are helping us accomplish the Great Commission and Great Commandment. We want to make Jesus famous and thank you for partnering with us to make that happen. You are joining our passion for connecting people to Jesus. Your financial gift is a tax-deductible donation. Your giving helps us create opportunities for people to connect with Jesus. We believe that if we can connect people to Jesus their lives will be changed forever.
*If you would like to give above your normal tithe/offering toward missions, simply tag the offering Be the Bridge. Thank you for your generosity!
The Bridge Church
P.O. Box 1913
Bluffton, SC 29910
OCTOBER BUDGET: $13,448.00
OCTOBER GIVING: $14,402.00
Budget Breakdown:
75% is directed to the ministry of our local church:
• Pastoral and Support Staff
• Facilities and Administration
• Next Generation Ministry (Bridge Kids and Students)
• Ministry Teams and Training
• Service Supplies
• Small Groups
• Discipleship Resources and Training
15% goes to ministry efforts outside of our walls
• Outreach Efforts in our community: International Missions, AGAPE Center, Summer Kids Camp (VBS), Fall Festival, Spring Outreach
• International ministry partners: Pastor Fredy and Samuel, Honduras Church Planters - Team Trips
• Benevolence: Local Community Support for those in need
10% goes into savings (currently designated future Bridge Community Center project)