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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
— Acts 1:8

Local Missions

We are incredibly excited to be serving our community! Each and every one of us has a purpose in this life. We want to help you live out that purpose and serve others. Please take a few minutes to fill this form out and check which event you want to join, to help us make a difference.


Basic PHYSICAL needs meet (Food, Water, Shelter) (Matt 25:35-36)(James 2:13-17)
Those who are in PAIN (Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually) (Matt 25:36)
Serve ORPHANS (Foster Care) (James 1:27)
Serve WIDOWS (Nursing Homes and Elderly) (James 1:27)(Acts 9:36,39)
Show HOSPITALITY to Strangers (Matt 25:35)
Serve those in PRISON (Matt 25:36)

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.



Honduras mission trip

Our church is partnering with Crossroads Church to serve a people group in Honduras. Honduras is one of the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere and remains dependent on international economic assistance.

The economy is based on agriculture; bananas and coffee are the most important exports. Many of the local farmers are pastors in their communities using their coffee farms to sustain their financial support so that they can shepherd their flocks.

We have the opportunity to partner with local Christian leaders in building churches and working with children within communities. As much as construction will be a part of this trip, we are doing more than just building a foundation for a church or home. We are building a foundation of hope and one of Jesus Christ with the local school kids and the farmers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a difference in an area with so much need. There are two teams on this particular trip: a construction team that will be helping to lay bricks for a physical church being built and another trip focused on children’s ministry training.

WHEN: June 14-21st 2024 - This trip will lead a women’s conference on children’s ministry then be involved in hands-on service and evangelism
WHEN: June 22-28th 2024 - We’ll help construct a church in an underserved mountain area where hurricanes and mudslides destroyed the original church.

COST: $2,000 | Deposit and then payments can be made

Fill out this registration form on the Crossroads website below if you would like to sign up for this trip. If you have any questions about this trip please email daniel@thebridgbeluffton.com.


Through your generosity, we support Pastor Freddy and Pastor Samuel in their ministry efforts in Honduras.

Since 1980, Fredy felt the desire to plant churches as far as the Lord would take him. He started on the north coast of Honduras, then reached the central zone and the Lenca zone. Right now, he is planting at the La Paz department and the Comayagua mountains. Fredy’s passion is to carry the Gospel to those who have no hope. With 42 years of ministry and an unstoppable desire to plant churches, he continues to build churches for the honor and glory of the Lord. Fredy is currently the senior pastor of a Church in the La Granja neighborhood in the city of La Paz. He has a team of planters who help him do the Father’s work. Fredy envisions a world where the Gospel may go everywhere and that everyone who hears it will be impacted and renewed. He has a goal to plant one hundred more faith communities which will be carried out with the help of the people he is training up as planters.

Our church sends $250 a month to support their ministry. If you would like to give above your monthly tithe toward missions, click on the button below, and select Missions under the budget line item.